#COVID19 Safe

The COVID19 pandemic has made us all understand the importance of sanitization and not take it for granted. Rest assured, we have reached out to our partners to uphold the highest standards of sanitation and safety.
#Hotel_Aura44 #Best_Hotel_in_JanakPuri #Couple_Friendly #Love #XoXo_Zone #Best_Room #Best_Hotel

  • Contactless check-in and dining experience to welcome our guests while adhering to social-distancing guidelines.

  • Temperature checks of guests and non-guests are taken at the entrance of the hotel.

  • Restaurants have been reconfigured to ensure 6 feet distances are maintained between guests.

  • Staff in the kitchens, in-room dining, restaurants, and banquet halls are sanitizing their hands every time they serve food or touch food-related items.

  • Detailed and updated cleaning checklists are being followed and monitored closely.

  • Masks, hairnets, and gloves are being worn by all team members at all times and changed frequently.

  • Hand sanitizers are in place in all guest rooms and in all public areas which include the entrances, lobbies, corridors, etc.

  • All touchpoints in public areas like door handles, railings, taps, elevator buttons, etc. are sanitized continuously.

  • Washroom cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection is being done with utmost care.

  • Luggage to be sanitized properly.

#Hotel_Aura44 #Best_Hotel_in_JanakPuri #Couple_Friendly #Love #XoXo_Zone #Best_Room #Best_Hotel
We are following all the health, safety, and hygiene protocols with stringent measures that ensure a safe environment, while you continue to enjoy our impeccable and immaculate service.